

Best Foods for Stress Relief

Best Foods for Stress Relief

Stress is unavoidable, regardless of whether you have a deadline, an important presentation, an exam or interview, or simply have too much on your plate. Today’s hurried way of life makes it impossible to avoid. However, the impacts of stress go beyond merely being grumpy or irritable.

It can seriously harm your sleep, skin (think acne and pimples), hormones, blood pressure, and immune system when left untreated for an extended length of time.

It can drive you into depression and worry when it comes to how it affects your mental health. Additionally, it may play a role in health problems like obesity and cardiac ailments.

Although eliminating stress from our lives is not an option, how we handle it is entirely up to us. Even while you might not be able to completely avoid it, there are some strategies to lessen its negative effects on your body, mind, and general health.

It would be incorrect to consider stress to be a separate illness. It’s okay to have a little stress from time to time in our daily lives. It is known scientifically as “eustress” or “positive stress.” This brief stress aids in our development and may even strengthen our immune systems.

Alas, there are far too many of these “eustress” moments in today’s busy world. These add up to “distress,” often known as “bad stress,” and have a disastrous effect on our health. Inhibiting the immune system, “bad stress” eventually manifests as diseases.

What precisely takes place then when your body is under stress? Neurotransmitters, or brain chemicals that are released during times of severe stress, include dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. The adrenal glands release enormous amounts of these and other similar “fight or flight” hormones, like adrenaline.

These molecules play a role in several physiological impacts, such as an accelerated heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, and a compromised immune system. Chronic stress can cause other major health issues like acne, stroke, indigestion, stomach ulcers, stroke, and heart disease if it is not treated over time.

This ongoing tension may gradually build up and overwhelm our nervous system. Muscle tension is one of the most typical physical responses to stress and can lead to migraines, tension headaches, and other musculoskeletal problems.

Stress might cause you to overeat or stop eating altogether as well as affect which nutrients your intestines absorb. When under stress, choosing the incorrect foods might make things worse and compromise your efforts to lose weight.

However, eating the correct foods that reduce stress can really help you win the battle against it. Stress-relieving foods can alleviate mental tension and encourage the body to release endorphins and other feel-good hormones. Let’s examine the meals you should eat and those you must absolutely avoid if you want to reduce stress.


Serotonin-boosting foods: 

A chemical called serotonin stabilises your mood and happiness and aids in restful sleep. An essential amino acid for the synthesis of serotonin is tryptophan. Here are some foods that promote serotonin and are very good at reducing stress:

  • Banana
  • Almonds
  • A2 milk
  • Egg
  • Whole grains

Food sources of endorphins

Endorphins, sometimes known as natural painkillers, aid in stress management and pain reduction. These also cause the body to experience happiness. For instance, the feeling that follows a run or workout is frequently referred to as euphoric. The following are some endorphin-boosting meals and activities:

  • Chilly Foods (Capsaicin, chemical compound present)
  • Ashwagandha
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Pleasure time with a partner
  • Laugh with friends

Dietary supplements for dopamine

Dopamine, also referred to as the “happy hormone,” has both hormonal and neuronal functions. Tyrosine is converted to dopamine by bodily enzymes. You can incorporate the following meals and activities into your routine to reduce stress:

  • Protein-rich foods such as legumes, dairy, and eggs
  • Probiotics for good Gut, which is sometimes also called the second brain and produces this neurotransmitter
  • Exercise regularly
  • Enough sleep
  • Meditation/ Chanting

Oxytocin-boosting foods

It is known as the “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone,” and its major purposes are to cause lactation and uterine contraction during birthing. Blood pressure and cortisol levels are known to drop as a result of its anti-stress-like actions. It additionally encourages development and recovery. A few foods that release oxytocin and reduce stress are:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Green Tea
  • Chamomile Tea
  • Almonds
  • Spinach

Stress can have serious effects on our physical and mental health. Eating the right foods is a great way to reduce stress, as these can help release hormones that make us feel good. Avoiding certain meals might be necessary too, as some may worsen muscle tension or cause overeating/not eating enough. Making sure we get the proper nutrients can also ensure our body functions properly even when stressed. It’s important to remember how food choices can impact our overall wellbeing.

Dealing with stress? Eating these delicious, nourishing foods can help! With the right nutrition, you’ll be feeling calmer and more relaxed in no time.

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