
“Embark on a legal odyssey with Mr. Shiv Mangal Sharma, guiding Aura & Co. to new heights of innovation and excellence. Pioneering e-law practices globally, we’re not just rewriting legal norms; we’re crafting a future where justice knows no boundaries. Join us on this transformative journey!”

In the dynamic world of legal practice, few individuals leave an indelible mark, not just in their professional journey but also in the evolution of the legal landscape itself. Mr. Shiv Mangal Sharma, the founder and Managing Partner of Aura & Co., is undeniably one such trailblazer. With almost two decades of experience in the legal industry, his journey has been marked by a commitment to justice, a pioneering spirit in e-law practices, and an unwavering dedication to excellence. This intellectual article delves into the multifaceted facets of Mr. Sharma’s career, the foundation and vision of Aura & Co., and the critical elements that contribute to its success.

  1. Commencement and Motivation:

Mr. Sharma’s journey in the legal profession began with his registration with the Bar Council of Delhi in 2000. However, the roots of his motivation can be traced back to the vision of his father, a distinguished lawyer, Shri Fateh Chand Sharma. The desire to bring justice and equity to society, coupled with witnessing the transformative power of law, set the stage for Mr. Sharma’s deep dive into the legal domain.

  1. Areas of Expertise and Innovation:

With an extensive background in constitutional and corporate law, Mr. Sharma’s expertise spans critical areas that form the backbone of legal systems. His work in constitutional law safeguards the principles of justice and democracy, while his foray into corporate law ensures effective navigation through the complex corporate legal framework. What sets Aura & Co. apart is its pioneering approach to e-law practices, exemplified by the establishment of India’s first eLaw firm, Aura eLegal Services, in 2020. This move reflects not just adaptability but a visionary response to the technological revolution permeating every sector.

III. Vision and Global Expansion:

As the Managing Partner, Mr. Sharma envisions Aura & Co. as a beacon of innovation and excellence, not just in India but globally. The establishment of an office in the United Kingdom in 2020 under the name Aura & Company International Limited demonstrates the firm’s commitment to providing top-notch legal services on an international scale. This global expansion signifies not just growth but the globalization of legal practices in an interconnected world.

  1. Ensuring High-Quality Legal Services:

At the core of Aura & Co.’s success lies a commitment to quality and efficiency. The firm’s approach involves rigorous case analysis, the strategic use of technology, and a culture of excellence within the team. This commitment ensures not just meeting but exceeding client expectations, a hallmark of a legal service provider dedicated to excellence.


  1. Representing Governmental Interests and Key Appointments:

Mr. Sharma’s roles as Senior Standing Counsel and Senior Penal Counsel entail a nuanced understanding of the law’s implications on public policy. Navigating the complexities of legal statutes and ensuring governmental actions comply with the law is a challenge Mr. Sharma has adeptly embraced. His tenure as the Additional Advocate General for Rajasthan has further enriched his legal acumen, particularly in handling high-stakes litigation and advising the government on legal matters.

  1. Work with PSUs and State Boards:

Working with Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), state boards, and authorities has provided Mr. Sharma with unique challenges in regulatory compliance and dispute resolution. These experiences have honed his ability to devise effective legal solutions in complex scenarios, benefiting all stakeholders involved.

VII. Benefit to Clients:

The diverse expertise at Aura & Co., under Mr. Sharma’s leadership, ensures that clients receive comprehensive legal solutions tailored to their specific needs. Whether navigating corporate legalities or representing clients in constitutional matters, the firm’s commitment to excellence is a cornerstone of its client-centric approach.

VIII. Staying Abreast of Legal Trends:

Mr. Sharma’s proactive engagement with the latest legal trends and developments showcases a commitment to continuous learning and professional networking. This awareness informs legal strategies, ensuring they are not just contemporary but also innovative and effective.

  1. Noteworthy Legal Trends:

In a constantly evolving legal landscape, Mr. Sharma identifies digital transformation in legal practices and the increasing importance of environmental law as particularly noteworthy trends. These trends not only reshape how law is practiced but also underscore the need for specialization in emerging legal areas.

  1. Key Milestones and Continuous Learning:

Mr. Sharma’s key milestones, from his first major litigation victory to the establishment of India’s first eLaw firm, reflect a journey marked by continuous learning and growth. Engaging in advanced legal courses and interacting with thought leaders ensures that Mr. Sharma remains at the forefront of legal advancements.

  1. Building Strong Client Relationships:

Aura & Co.’s success is not just measured in legal victories but also in the strength of its client relationships. Mr. Sharma’s personalized approach, prioritizing clear communication and understanding client needs, sets the firm apart in client interactions.

XII. Recognition and Advice to Aspiring Lawyers:

Recognition from peers and clients is a testament to Mr. Sharma’s dedication and expertise. His advice to aspiring lawyers emphasizes embracing challenges, committing to continuous learning, and upholding the principles of justice and integrity. The reminder to focus on the work rather than the money underscores the importance of passion and dedication in a legal career.

XIII. Crucial Qualities for Success:

Critical thinking, ethical integrity, adaptability, and a dedication to justice are identified as crucial qualities for success in the legal profession. These qualities, combined with a commitment to excellence, form the foundation of Mr. Sharma’s success and the ethos of Aura & Co.

In the intricate world of the legal profession, Mr. Shiv Mangal Sharma’s journey is not just a chronicle of personal and professional milestones but a testament to the transformative power of law. Aura & Co.’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and client-centric practices under Mr. Sharma’s leadership positions the firm as a trailblazer in the legal domain, both in India and on the global stage. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, the story of Aura & Co. serves as an inspiration for aspiring lawyers and a benchmark for the legal community.