
1.What inspired you to pursue a career in law?

Albania has endured ongoing challenges due to the absence of a robust rule of law. The dissolution of Eastern Europe’s communist regimes in the late 1990s, which included Albania, coincided with my twentieth year—a time when my university education was still incomplete. Despite this, my upbringing amidst books allowed me to navigate the regime’s stringent censor- ship, immersing myself in the rich treasury of global literature and authors.Armed with this cultural and intellectual foundation, I was poised to be at the forefront of advocating for the nascent democratic ideals taking shape in Albania. My involvement was instrumental in the democratic revolu- tion that dismantled the nation’s 45-year dictatorship. Following the triumph of democracy on March 22, 1992, I shifted my focus from political activism to fostering civil society. I was among the early pioneers who established civil society organizations, including the Association for Free Elections and Democratic Culture (SHZLKD), found- ed on February 3, 1992. This association played a pivotal role in overseeing Albania’s inaugural pluralistic elec- tions and received support from the international community, including the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the United States. Concurrently, I contributed to the Albanian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, the premier platform for human rights advocacy in Albania, which attracted the participation of distinguished figures from our nation’s cultural and societal spheres. My commitment to these causes and the challenges I encountered, particularly the deficit of effective governance, compelled me to address these issues. Since 1994, I have penned numer- ous editorials for the Albanian press, critiquing the adverse phenomena and persistent problems that threaten to stifle Albania’s progress. These articles, written autonomously and without external influence, reflect the genuine perspectives of an independent intellectual dedicated to safeguarding the public interest over partisan agendas.As a keen observer of political developments and a witness to the evolution or distortion of democratic principles, I recognized the urgent need for legal exper- tise. This realization led me to pursue legal studies at the University of Tirana’s Faculty of Law, culminating in my qualification as a lawyer. However, my commitment to social advocacy did not cease with this achievement. In 2001, alongside 17 esteemed individuals with notable academic credentials, I established the Albanian Insti- tute of National Affairs. This institute is dedicated to reinforcing democratic principles and contributing to Albania’s peace, national security, socioeconomic development, and aspirations for European Union integration.

2.Could you share some highlights of your educational background that prepared you for your legal career?

My recent journey is the culmination of exceptional dedication and effort, not solely in pursuit of academic excellence but also in recognition of my regular contri- butions as a speaker at national and international forums. These engagements, hosted by international entities and foreign governments, focus on discussions pertinent to Albanian affairs and the nation’s adherence to the rule of law.Commencing with my legal education at the University of Tirana in 2004, I have methodically advanced my expertise in “Applied Corporate and Business Law” to meet evolving professional demands. My pursuit of knowledge continued with a Technical Review of Employment Contracts at the Metropolitan School of Business and Management, London, UK, in 2020. The following year, I expanded my acumen to encompass “International Law,” “Economics and International Business,” and “Finance and Accounting” at the Interna- tional Business Management Institute, Germany. Most recently, in 2023, I further honed my legal proficiency in “Business Law” at the London School of Business Administration, UK. These educational milestones have been pivotal in shaping my career trajectory and contributing to my professional development and success as a legal practitioner.In parallel with my academic endeavours, I have consis- tently authored Annual Reports on Albania’s justice system and penned periodic articles addressing Consti- tutional Law, Human Rights Protection, Judicial Reform, and the safeguarding of public spaces and interests. My commitment extends beyond national concerns, encompassing global issues related to peace and conflict resolution and International forum of the Econo- mist impact. This dual focus on individual and institu- tional activities underscores my unwavering dedication to the legal profession and the principles of justice

3.What were some of your early career expe- riences before founding your law firm in 2004?

In response to the previous inquiries, I have outlined key milestones in my professional journey. However, I omitted to mention that I held the esteemed position of Director General at the Albanian Institute of National Affairs for an extensive period from 2001 to 2016. Con- currently, after being conferred the title of “Lawyer” in 2004, I practiced this profession part-time until 2016, providing a comprehensive suite of services that includ- ed legal advice, advocacy, and court representation for interested parties. Additionally, I would like to clarify that I established my own legal practice in 2016, which was formally branded with a commercial name in 2018.

4.Who have been the most influential figures or mentors in your career, and how have they impacted your professional journey?

I have had the privilege of engaging with the academic and professional elite throughout my career, a journey that extends beyond the borders of Albania to the international stage. Among the numerous esteemed individuals I have encountered, a select few stand out, including Prof. Dr. Arben Puto, Prof. Dr. Kudret Çela, Prof. Dr. Paskal Harxhi, Prof. Dr. Aurel Plasari, Prof. Dr. Koli Xoxi, Prof. Dr. Aurela Anastasi, Prof. Dr. Vasilika Hysi, Prof. Dr. Luan Malltezi, Moikom Zeqo, Prof. Dr. Gjergj Sinani etj, to name just a few within Albania. Internationally, I have had the honour of interacting with distinguished figures such as Prof. Emeritus Nicholas C. Pano (US), Sir. Noel Malcolm (UK), Prof. Honorary Antonia Young (UK), Prof. Robert C. Austin (Canada), Emeritus Prof. Katsuya Kodama, Emeritus Prof. Kazuo Ohta, Prof. Ann Kennard (UK), Prof. Karel Dobbelare, Prof. Nesrin Kenar (TR) , Mrs. Karina Spilzinger (SFAI), James Robinson (UK) and Jonathan Kitchen (GLE), Vineet Gupta (India) etc . These relationships have not only filled me with pride but have also been instrumental in enhancing my professional utility and contribution to the field.

5.What motivated you to establish the Tirana Law Office – Frashëri Law Firm?

For professionals and researchers, discerning societal issues is a straightforward task. Regrettably, Albania’s democracy is not fully operational. The political land- scape occasionally resembles a kleptocracy. It is both paradoxical and scandalous that notaries undertake 80% of the tasks typically reserved for lawyers. Albania has been undergoing a transition for over three decades, during which democratic institutions have intermittently degenerated into corrupt tribal powers, reminiscent of medieval feudal systems. This is particularly concerning given its location at the heart of Europe. Consequently, individuals and businesses often find themselves deprived of justice, facing the arrogance and excesses of those in power.In response to this, a political initiative was launched in 2014, driven by domestic political forces and backed by the international community. This initiative, known as the Justice Reform, aimed to enhance the independence of the judiciary and fortify the legal system by improving the professionalism and efficiency of judges and prose- cutors, as well as intensifying the fight against corrup- tion. This comprehensive reform touches every facet of the existing justice system.Recognizing the new judicial perspective and the neces- sity for legal representation and protection, particularly given the absence of established law firms in Alba- nia—where the vast majority of lawyers practice inde- pendently—I have concluded by establishing an authori- tarian law firm would significantly benefit my country. Take into account that during the communist regime in Albania in 1967, the government made two significant decisions: 1. The merge and closure of the legal profes- sion. 2 The demolition and closure of all religious buildings in Albania. The lawyer’s profession returned to Albania after 1992, but unfortunately, this tradition persisted even after 1992, with nearly 80% of legal activities now being performed by notaries in Albania.

6.What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in the early days of the firm?

Despite the esteemed reputation and image Frashëri Law Firm has cultivated over the years, underscored by unwavering moral and professional integrity, the firm encountered unexpected challenges shortly after its inception in 2018. These difficulties were external in nature, beginning with significant anti-government student protests that disrupted our client relations by obstructing roadways. The situation was further exacer- bated at the end of 26 November 2019 when Albania suffered a severe earthquake, followed by persistent aftershocks that lasted several months.As if these trials were not enough, on March 9, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic thrust the nation into a crisis of unparalleled proportions, affecting not only public health but also leading to a near year-long shutdown that paralyzed our operations. Despite overcoming the pandemic’s hurdles by the end of 2022, Frashëri Law Firm faced the repercussions of the Justice Reform. The reform left courts devoid of judges due to a controversial vetting process, causing a rapid accumulation of unre- solved cases.Currently, Frashëri Law Firm stands at a pivotal juncture of professional triumphs amidst these formidable challenges, navigating through a period where the Albanian justice system is on the brink of insolvency. The vetting process has left courts and prosecutor’s offices nearly empty for over two years, resulting in a justice system that is teetering on the edge of collapse, affecting both attorneys and Enforcement Service offices due to the lack of civil judgments available for enforcement.In response to these circumstances, we are restructuring the firm to incorporate additional services, aiming to offer multidisciplinary support in auditing and account- ing. However, we are confronted with legal barriers in expanding within the framework of SFAI Global. Specifi- cally, Article 21, points “b” and “c” of Law No. 10 091, dated March 5, 2009, concerning legal audits and the organization of the professions of registered accounting experts and approved accountants, impose peculiar restrictions. According to these provisions, an audit company is eligible to register for the legal audit of financial statements of commercial companies in the Republic of Albania only if the majority of voting rights in the company’s capital are held by auditing firms or legal auditors, whether domestic or foreign.This raises a critical question: Is it reasonable for a well-established law firm to be compelled to offer a controlling interest of 51% to a new partner invited as a Statutory Auditor, simply because the law mandates it? Such a requirement not only seems scandalous but also discriminatory, and it epitomizes a law rooted in clientelism.

7.How would you describe the core mission and values of your law firm?

Frashëri Law Firm stands as a distinguished beacon in the Albanian legal landscape, renowned for its adept representation of both plaintiffs and defendants across a spectrum of court proceedings. With a foundation built upon a robust international perspective, our firm enjoys recognition both within Albania and beyond its Our core mission is to deliver all-encompassing litigation and dispute resolution services. We pride ourselves on being a seamless gateway for the effortless establishment of both domestic and international enterprises. Our firm’s ethos is deeply rooted in a culture of diligence, accountability, and adherence to legal best practices.At the heart of our professional ethos is the unwavering dedication to safeguarding our clients’ rights. This commitment not only fortifies the integrity of Albania’s legal system but also aligns it with the esteemed standards of the Europe- an Union. Our daily endeavours are focused on upholding the highest professional benchmarks in the legal protection and assurance of the attorney’s role in the Republic of Albania. We champion the principles of freedom, independence,self-regulation, and autonomy in the legal profession, ensuring the protection of both individual and collective interests of our esteemed clientele.

8.Can you share some milestones in the firm’s growth and development over the years?

Frasheri Law Firm boasts a distinguished history of professional excellence in a diverse array of legal disci- plines, including corporate law, finance, taxation, busi- nessformation, real estate, labour relations, and both administrative and civil litigation, complemented by expert consultation and mediation services. Duly recognized as a Recommended Firm in Albania by Global Law Experts (UK), Frashëri Law Firm holds the esteemed privilege of exclusive representation for corporate and commercial litigation within the nation.Since its integration into SFAI Global in 2020, the firm has been an active participant in an expansive interna- tional network of legal professionals, encompassing over 14,000 members across 115 countries, delivering professional services in tax law, auditing, and account- ing that adhere to ISA and IAASB standards.Pioneering the legal sector in Albania, Frashëri Law Firm is the premier and sole law office to offer services lever- aging an Artificial Intelligence platform for the manage- ment of client documentation since 2020. As the exclu- sive custodian of a cutting-edge AI platform developed by Luminance, the firm provides its clients with an unparalleled advantage, achieving an 85% reduction in operational time and an 80% decrease in financial expenditures.

9.Your firm specializes in public law. What led you to focus on this area of law?

Each step we undertake is driven by a commitment to deliver exceptional service, informed by extensive knowledge and experience, tailored to meet the needs of each client. Whether addressing a straightforward matter or navigating the complexities of a domestic or international legal dispute, our offerings encompass a broad spectrum of legal services that transcend jurisdic- tions and borders. Our approach is deeply rooted in our cultural ethos and professional heritage.The Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Albania, along with the Code of Administrative Procedures, prescribes uniform and obligatory rules for resolving civil disputes and other matters delineated within these Codes and specific legislation. The judiciary is bound to examine and render judgments on cases brought before it, without the option to decline based on the absence, insufficiency, or ambiguity of legal provisions. This mandate empowers attorneys to engage more effective- ly and advocate on behalf of their clients within legal proceedings.

10.How do you manage to cater to a diverse client base, including both national and international clients, VIPs, and non-profit organizations?

At Frashëri Law Firm, we prioritize timely responses to all inquiries. Our practice, led by a lawyer distinguished in commercial, corporate, governance, and regulatory law, is recognized by Global Law Experts (UK). We provide comprehensive legal services to corporations andhigh-net-worth individuals across sectors including insurance, finance, luxury assets, energy, and technolo- gy. Our track record of success in all represented cases has earned us numerous international accolades, solidifying our reputation for excellence in the legal field. 

11.Your firm has an international reputation. What strategies have you employed to build and maintain this global presence?

Our firm has consistently adhered to a policy of trans- parency and honesty in all interactions with external entities. I wish to highlight that our accomplishments are the direct result of our unwavering commitment, diligent efforts, and extensive professional knowledge, all of which are underpinned by the exceptional stan- dards we uphold in providing legal services. It is these very principles and professional milestones that have garnered attention, leading to our recognition with esteemed ratings and yearly accolades from both our valued clients and prestigious global organizations within the legal sector.

12.How important is the ability to offer services in multiple languages to your firm’s success?

Albania currently provides a welcoming legal environ- ment for foreign investments. From the outset, our assessment has encompassed the fundamental require- ments of businesses within the evolving landscape of global capital and service markets. Consequently, our legal team is equipped to offer multilingual services, underscoring our commitment to delivering bespoke, client-centric solutions that cater to the specific demands of your enterprise.

13.Could you elaborate on the comprehensive legal writing program your firm offers to its attorneys?

In Albania, a concerning trend has emerged where universities are consistently granting diplomas, yet failing to produce true specialists. This is evidenced by the significant gap between the theoretical knowledge imparted during their education and the practical skills required in the workforce. Consequently, graduates, whether they hold a bachelor’s degree in law, a Master of Science, or even those who have qualified as lawyers, find themselves devoid of practical experience, rendering them

ill-equipped for professional practice.To bridge this gap, we provide comprehensive training programs designed to elevate recent graduates to the pinnacle of their profession. Our offerings cater to a diverse group, including summer associates, current students, interns in their pre-lawyer year, mid-level attorneys, and seasoned legal practitioners.Our esteemed history of successful legal outcomes and the meticulous preparation of our leadership team inspire us to foster a dynamic work environment. We are committed to delivering advanced training within a culture of open collaboration, ensuring that each partici- pant receives a well-rounded experience.Participants in our program will gain firsthand insights into the legal profession through hands-on work at our Tirana office. The duration of the program ranges from 3 to 12 months, tailored to individual needs and in com- pliance with the National Bar Association of Albania’s standards. This immersive experience allows trainees to collaborate with various lawyers, thereby acquiring extensive knowledge not only in legal analysis but also across multiple legal domains, including commercial, administrative, family, citizenship, and both public and civil law.

14.Why do you believe legal writing is a critical skill for attorneys, and how do you encourage its development within your team?

At Frashëri Law Firm, our foremost focus is on the art of legal writing. We are committed to delivering superior service to our clients by meticulously crafting the legal reasoning for their cases and ensuring persuasive presentation in both court and administrative proceed- ings. Our distinction lies in this critical aspect of practice. Recognizing that the mastery of legal writing and reasoning is an essential skill for attorneys to cultivate over the span of their professional lives, we have estab- lished an extensive legal writing program. This initiative is designed to equip attorneys across varying levels of expertise with the necessary tools and opportunities to enhance their writing proficiency continually.

15.What other professional development opportunities do you provide to your team to ensure they stay at the forefront of the legal field?

The current challenges faced by our legal team are not a reflection of our capabilities but rather a consequence of the broader systemic issues within Albania’s justice system. Despite our aspirations to emulate the estab- lished professional practices of European, UK, or US models, we find ourselves compelled to downsize our staff due to the escalating backlog of cases and the shortage of judges across all judicial levels, including the courts of first instance, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, we are committed to maintaining our cooperative efforts and ensuring that our partners understand that these difficulties are external to our firm and stem from the national judicial crisis.Embracing the adage that “it is better to light one candle than curse the darkness,” we continue to strive for progress and improvement within these constraints.Moreover, our integration into an international network and our adoption of cutting-edge technology position us as a valuable and forward-thinking partner in the legal sector.

16.You have been a candidate for significant public roles such as the Chairman of the Central Election Commission and the Peo- ple’s Advocate. What drives your commit- ment to public service?

As an individual of notable public stature, my involve- ment in the early movements to dismantle the commu- nist regime in 1990 has been instrumental in laying the groundwork for political diversity in Albania. My partici- pation in a multitude of national and international forums, activities, and conferences has been a testament to my commitment to safeguarding both public and national interests.While it may appear immodest, my contributions across various sectors—including civil society, journalism, culture, and scholarly research in history and jurispru- dence—have significantly benefited the public good.Renowned for my advocacy for human rights and the reinforcement of democratic tenets within societal and institutional development, my efforts are documented in over 600 publications within the Albanian press.These articles highlight my commendable vision and leadership capabilities, a sentiment echoed by media recognitions.Further more, it is the populace—the readers and numerous supporters—who have propelled me to embrace greater public responsibilities. Their encour- agement and desire to see me undertake a significant governmental role underscore their trust in my ability to uphold law and justice in Albania.

17.How do you ensure that high moral and professional integrity is maintained within your firm?

Our firm is dedicated to providing customized services that cater specifically to the unique requirements of our clients, ensuring absolute confidentiality. We pride ourselves on a culture that embodies transparency, respect, high ethical and professional standards, and timeliness—qualities that distinguish us.We pledge to honour each client with dignified respect, fostering trust to cultivate enduring professional relationships. Our commitment extends to delivering expert legal counsel on critical matters and offering steadfast support during unforeseen circumstances that may jeopardize their assets, business ventures, financial stability, or family dynamics.In the words of George Horace Lorimer, “Back of every noble life there are principles that have fashioned it.” This sentiment resonates with our mission to **Ensurin- our clients’ rights**, thereby contributing to the fortifica- tion of the Albanian legal system’s integrity. Our goal is to ensure a judiciary that is **just, independent, and untainted by corruption**—a standard we strive to uphold daily.We consider it an honour to serve our clients, our communities, and our nation. Since our inception, our legal team has demonstrated unwavering allegiance to the Constitution of Albania, the rule of law, the legal profession, our clientele, and our colleagues.

18.Can you share some examples of how your firm has defended public interests, constitu- tional and legal rights, and cultural heritage? 

For over thirty years, I have been a key figure in Albania’s civil society, advocating for the protection of public spaces, environmental conservation, and the safeguard- ing of public assets and national security againstwhite-collar crime. My commitment to these causes has compelled me to take legal action against activities that compromise the public good, infringe upon human rights, and threaten our cultural heritage due to the corrupt ambitions of organized crime.Legal Actions Undertaken:-Challenge to Building Permit: Initiated legal proceed- ings to annul the Building Permit issued by the National Council of the Territory. This permit, which authorized the demolition of a public flower garden in the capital’s centre for the construction of a religious structure, was allegedly granted in contravention of legal norms, urban planning regulations, and the Aarhus Convention.-Opposition to Construction Permits: Contested various . permits issued without proper criteria, including those for Hydroelectric Power Plants, multifunctional build- ings, and multi-story residential constructions near lake dams, which violate legal procedures and encroach upon public spaces.-Defense of Journalists and NGOs: Represented and defended journalists and civil society organizations in court. These entities faced criminal charges by the government as retribution for exposing corrupt practic- es.-Repeal of Educational Instruction: Filed a lawsuit in the administrative court to revoke Instruction No. 27,dated December 29, 2017, concerning the internal academic and administrative structures in public higher education institutions, issued by the Ministry of Education.Through these actions, I reaffirm my dedication to upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights and interests of the Albanian public. My efforts are driven by a deep-seated belief in justice and the preservation of our nation’s integrity and heritage.I would like to add that I am the author of the best-selling book Crazy Republic (Media Print-2011) (Philosophical Reflections), a critically acclaimed book that stands the resist of time and is an autopsy of a 30-year long transition, norms and relationships of the Albanian society with those many problems, most of all true ones that hidden that turn into tragedies.

19.You are frequently featured in the media. How do you leverage this presence to advocate for legal and public issues?

As an esteemed lawyer, researcher, publicist, and prominent figure in civil society, I possess distinct qualities and a high publicprofile that naturally lead me to utilize all available public platforms. My engage- ments with the media, including press interviews and television appearances, are driven by my commitment to advocate as a public law attorney. I address a spectrum of critical issues encompassing the rule of law, territorial governance, domestic violence, educational matters,national heritage, corruption, infringed public interests, and the constitutional rights of citizens. It is imperative to remember the timeless words of William Jennings Bryan: “The hum-blest citizen of all the land, when clad in the armour of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error,” which resonate with univer- sal significance. My use of media exposure is strictly confined to these matters of public concern and is never employed to further my legal practice.

20.How does your firm engage with the local community in Tirana and Albania at large?

While our company may be modest in size and still in the development phase rather than a large corpora- tion, we remain steadfastly dedicated to corporate social responsibility. We have provided pro bono assistance to hundreds of individuals lacking adequate income, as well as to journalists, non-profit organiza- tions, and small businesses facing legal challenges in Albania’s courts. These groups ohen lack the financial resources to afford legal representation. Our daily professional practice is characterized by a positive reputation and strong community relationships, built on the knowledge, prudence, trust, and security we offer our clients, ensuring their issues are resolved at minimal costs.

21.What are your future aspirations for the Tirana Law Office – Frashëri Law Firm?

Our firm is distinguished by its singular focus on a specific area of law, setting us apart from other prac- tices that cover a broad spectrum of legal fields. This specialization grants our attorneys a profound and nuanced understanding of the relevant statutes and regulations. As we strive to evolve into a versatile consultancy, our goal is to offer comprehensive inter- national services encompassing law, taxation, audit- ing, and financial accounting.

22.What do you see as the major challenges and opportunities for your firm in the coming years?

It is with cautious optimism that we observe the current condition of the justice system. Despite facing significant challenges, the system’s difficulties stem not from a lack of advocacy but from the suboptimal conceptualization and execution of the Justice Reform. Typically, the purpose of reform or revolution is to dismantle outdated structures and lay the groundwork for a stable future. There is a belief that, in time, the justice system will recover from its present adversities, although this process may span several Concurrently, our nation stands on the cusp of Europe- an Union membership. The EU has expressed a willing- ness to expedite the integration of Western Balkan countries into the union. With a goal to commence negotiations with Albania by year’s end, this advance- ment could potentially untangle the current impasse caused by internal political strife and the profound division between the principal political factions. Such progress promises a swih and favourable transforma- tion of the situation.In this evolving landscape, Frashëri Law Firm possess- es the requisite capabilities and prospects to advance within the European market. Our firm is well-equipped to navigate the complexities of this transition and emerge as a leader in the legal sector.

23.What advice would you give to young lawyers who aspire to make a significant impact in the legal field?

A lawyer holds a pivotal position akin to that of a family practice Doctor, providing counsel for a myriad of issues, which underscores their indispensable societal role. The ethos of our vocation should be continuous education and self-improvement. To the nascent attorney, I offer this counsel: Dedicate yourself to the diligent use of time. Apply your expertise wher- ever possible. Hone your investigative abilities and pay meticulous attention to detail. In conclusion, I invoke the wisdom of the esteemed philosopher Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do; therefore, excellence is not an act, but a habit.” This aligns with Stephen R. Covey’s assertion that values shape our actions, while principles determine the outcomes of those actions. Why do I assert this? There exist some eternal princi- ples that govern life: And to be clear, hard times forge strong leaders, strong leaders create good times, good times give rise to weak leaders, weak leaders, in turn,lead to hard times. Interestingly, prosperity in our country ohen produces incompetents and parasites rather than true fighters for a better life.In conclusion, Kastriot Frashëri’s dedication to excel-lence and innovation has solidified Frashëri Law Firm’s reputation as a leader in the legal field. His insights and experiences offer invaluable lessons for aspiring legal professionals. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, Kastriot’s commitment to integrity and client advocacy ensures that Frashëri Law Firm will remain at the forefront of legal practice in Albania.